Don’t Miss a Beat

Don’t Stress! Focus on your patient’s safety and well-being – our stress test BP monitors will handle the rest.

Stress BP Icon Stress BP

Stress Test Blood Pressure Monitoring

Focus on your patient’s safety and well-being – and we’ll handle the rest. Our automated stress BP monitors provide accurate, reliable BP measurements, relieving you of the stress of taking manual BP during testing!

Picture of the Tango M2 Stress BP Monitor

The Tango M2 Stress Test Monitor gives you the confidence to know that patient movement, mechanical vibration and observer variability won’t interfere with an accurate reading. Your focus can be where it matters most - on your patient.

Picture of the Orbit-K Blood Pressure Cuff line

We designed the Orbit-K Blood Pressure Cuff, specifically for cardiac stress and exercise testing applications. It enables repeated, reliable blood pressure measurements to be taken by maintaining proper placement for the length of the cardiac stress test - all while ensuring patient comfort is of the utmost priority. The Orbit-K Blood Pressure Cuff comes standard with our Tango M2 Stress Test Monitor and even has an added pocket to secure the microphone along the brachial artery.

Picture of the Single Patient Use Blood Pressure Cuff

Infection control is a critical part of patient care. Having the right blood pressure cuff to support your efforts is extremely important, which is why we have created a line of Single Patient Use Blood Pressure Cuffs specifically for cardiac stress and exercise testing applications. These cuffs are made with a soft, yet durable fabric that ensures patient comfort and reliability.